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As of June 23, 2024, Your payment for your order will be processed through Paypal or Square. Ecwid will deliver your downloads to your favorite email address of choice. If anything goes wrong with your delivery (i.e. typos in your email, please use the contact page and let us know! We are more than happy to assist you.
The Love Gal
Manifestation Enthusiast
Hi there! My name is Amber. Many around the world know me as "The Love Gal". I have a YouTube channel that I use to share my experiences with the law of attraction, law of assumption, and law of expectation. I love sharing my findings and revelations with my 78,000 subscribers.
What Is The Law Of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction is one of many universal laws. This law is used to attract people, things, scenarios, and outcomes into people's lives. The law of attraction is the act of attracting things into your life based on where you are energetically, and your mindset around certain subjects. You may have heard of the saying, “like attracts like.” You attract different things and situations to you based on your emotions and the energy you give to the situation, person, or thing.